America Saves and Military Saves Week 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019


America Saves and Military Saves Week 2019 is here! Started in 2007, America Saves and Military Saves Week is a national opportunity to help consumers set savings goals, make a savings plan and learn to save automatically.

The American personal savings rate is at its lowest level since the U.S. financial crisis of 2008, at 6 percent of disposable income, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and is continuing a 60-year downward trend. Increasing the personal savings rate is the key objective of America Saves and Military Saves Week, which runs from Feb. 25 through March 2 and is a joint initiative supported by over 1,500 banks, credit unions, non-profits and other institutions, including the FDIC, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Defense and Fidelity Investments.

Here are tips, tools and events to help you participate in #ASW19!

  • America Saves Week encourages Americans to “take the pledge” to identify a savings goal (such as college tuition, a car or emergency fund), create a plan to reach it, and save!
  • Numerous activities and services are offered by over 1,500 participating organizations to encourage people to start saving or increase their savings, including incentivized savings accounts, direct deposit and split deposits to save automatically, financial counseling and social media encouragement.
  • Check out savings tools and resources that will help you learn more about putting together your own savings plan and how to utilize automatic savings and retirement programs.
  • America Saves also provides resources in Spanish.

Once you start saving, it gets easier and easier, and before you know it, you're on your way to making your financial dreams a reality. Set a goal, make a plan and save automatically—get started this week!




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